About Us

You have created your new product. Now how do you get people to test and try it ?

Throw a test flight Party!

-You’re working on an album, how do you get your first listeners?

-You just launched a new feature, what is a fun way to get your customers excited to try it out?

Throw a test flight party!!!

Build better relationships with users & customers. Take your apps and business to the next level. TestFlight party is better, more personalized, more genuine marketing.

*Attend curated events & Experiences for the best apps and companies around the world. Product, Food, Drinks, Saas, Apps!

The #1 place and curated experience to meet your next customer, co-founder and investor. Take your apps, customer relationships & business to the next level.

Host a test flight party with testflightparty.com and party with purpose. Sign up and enter to win 10k every quarter to host or attend an event!

What people are saying

Create and Attend curated events & Experiences for the best apps and companies around the world. Product, Food, Drinks, Saas, Apps!

Build better relationships with users & customers. Take your apps and business to the next level. TestFlight party is better, more personalized, more genuine marketing.

About Us

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